Birches on a Hill

by Michelle Calkins
Buy the Original Painting
7.000 x 7.000 inches
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Birches on a Hill
Michelle Calkins
Painting - Oil On Canvas
Lake Michigan beckons to me. As the hike through backdunes nears its end, the sun warming my shoulders and the wind cooling my brow, a row of birches comes into view. The light shines brightly on the white paper bark and the shadows fall sharply behind into the green and tan grasses below. Through the next bend, as gulls hover above like kites against the wind, the lake shows itself. The sand, the waves and the water leading to the horizon form a lovely striped abstract. I'll paint that the next time. This original comes professionally framed by me in a beachy whitewashed frame with a black inner liner accenting the black and white of the birches. The outside measurement including the frame is 13x13 inches.
June 16th, 2008